The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt
The museum's main entrance. |
For many people, The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the Holy Grail of museums.
Over 150,000 relics from ancient Egypt are packed into this scruffy, salmon-colored
giant, including some of the most precious artifacts known to man. To put
the enormity of the museum's collection into perspective, consider this:
if you spent one minute looking at each piece, you'd be there around-the-clock
for nine months.
I don’t have nine months to spare, but I did manage to spend two days exploring the museum. Here are the things I admired most: |
Granite statue of Chephren, builder
of the second pyramid at Giza.
Falcon god Horus provides protection (and a little
love). |
This beauty is a whopping 4,500 years old. |
Wooden statue of Ka-Aper.
Also around 4,500 years old, this statue is carved
out of a single piece of sycamore.
He's kind of an intense fellow. |
Museum patrons. It's fun to check
out the work of local art students.
Big white people tend to move in herds. |
The museum's atmosphere can't be beat. |
Mummy of woman with portrait, 2nd
century A.D.
Greco-Roman mummies included beautifully detailed
portraits of the deceased.
These are the world’s first known portraits. |
Engraved granite stela. This single
slab of stone is around 10m (30ft) high.
One side sings his the praises of King Arhenaphis
III . |
The other side mentions Israel, the only reference
to Israelites in known Egyptian texts.
Akhenaten, the "heretic king".
Artistic styles changed dramatically during Akhenaten's
rule. His statues have curving, feminine hips - and fat Mick Jagger lips.
Akhenaten established ancient Egypt’s first
and last monotheistic faith. After he died, priests attempted to obliterate
all record of him.
Haphazard collections. The museum's
collection is notoriously disorganized. Labeling is scarce, frequently
Some rooms seem to be just storage space for piles
of random artifacts. |
But the chaos is part of the charm – you feel
like an explorer as you investigate hidden corners of neglected rooms. |
The scribe Mitri.
This wooden statue is 4,400 years old. |
(Poor Mitri - writing's hard work) |
Granite sarcophagus of Thiharpto,
scribe and priest of Min.
These texts are from the Book of Hades. |
(Everybody likes monkey hieroglyphics.) |
Royal Mummy Room.
Photography is not allowed in the royal mummy room, which might be a
good thing - photos from this joint could scar children for life.
Around fifteen of Egypt's most famous leaders
are on display in this quiet, climate-controlled room. Their wrappings
have been removed, their faces and hands exposed.
Brittle black skin clings tightly to the bone.
Bits of skull and bone are visible in areas. Hair and nails are largely
Judging from his skeletal structure, Ramesses
II had an enormous beak. His perfect teeth may have offset
the effect. Straight, reddish hair covers the crown of his head.
Two queens (Nedjemet & Henuttawi)
were provided with thick heads of fake braided hair and painted white
shells for eyes. The site of these bright eyes gazing out of twisted,
sunken faces is incredibly disturbing.
Gold mask of Tutankhamun, the "boy king".
This mask was placed over the head of the mummy. |
Hieroglyphics on the back of the mask. |
Tutankhamun's treasures were found undisturbed in
1922. His tomb was relatively modest in size, as was his historical legacy.
The splendor of his treasure is likely just a shadow of the wealth looted
from more important pharaohs' tombs.
Posted on May
26, 2003 10:19 AM
Mike, amazing!
I´m from Brasil and i´m a fan of you. Your trip is so fantastic.
Great Photos!!!
Excellent stories, per usual. You don't ever have to come home, right? ;)
Thanks for the great photos!
Tremendous work all around. You are a brave soul, in my book...I wouldn't have the guts to travel to the 'bug-eating' countries. Optimistic AND open-minded-a wonderful combination in a world citizen abroad. BTW, the person who termed your adventure as "condescending" couldn't be more wrong. Have truly enjoyed the time purusing through your word and pictures. Many thanks.
Uncle Mike, we love seeing your video's ... keep them coming so we can see more of you. Mommy and daddy show us your website every week and we love it!
We miss you!
One world,one life,one travel around the world...snif,snif, do you need a partner? Congratulations from barcelona (spain)
Good to see you decided to go to Egypt after all. It looks like it was well worth it and your fears were unfounded, right?
These pictures and stories are very captivating. Keep up the good work.
Your site is amazing. The phenomenal photos are followed by true Pugh text. Take care of yourself and look forward to hanging out in the fall. Healthy travels!
what you are doing is simply AWESOME!. i envy you on so many levels....my dream is to someday see the earthly things of man....as you, i will explore them at a pace set by unconciousness, rather than clock....your venture is, i think, every mans hidden quest! LEAD ON!!!
I love ancient Egyption history & your perspective is refreshing & fascinating.
your site is very interesting,I thought the photos fantastics.
Great job.
Congratulations, good job, show the people what's going on somewhere else. If you ever need a helper give me a call. Montreal,Quebec.
Mike - makes me more determind to go there now that I have seen some of what you have!
I'm surprised they let you take photos there. I remember being abused by security guards for trying to fire off a photo inside the museum.
really great pictures. May I use one picture of Akehnaten for a publication in medical history (On course I will aknowledg you as the photographer?
thanks for the trip. What a trip it was!
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