the story

Vagabonding is a round-the- world travelogue created by Mike P, an optimist from Chicago. Mike traveled on his own through Asia and East Africa and updated this site from the road.

The trip is over, but the site remains. All the travelogue, video, and photo entries are in their archives.

View a map of Mike's route.

Press and Awards for earned a few nice mentions in the media:

"What's Your Trip?" on the Travel Channel featured my ostrich ride segment as well as the mountain gorilla video. But what I'm most excited about is host Andrew Zimmern pronounced my name correctly.

I did a phone interview with WGN TV, Chicago while I was in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Watch it now. voted the best travel blog on the Web. Smart move. was chosen as a Yahoo! Pick back when that was a big deal.

USA Today chose as one of their "Hot Sites."

The Chicago Tribune mentioned first in its list of fascinating and inspiring travelogues.

My hometown paper wrote about me and another traveler from Racine.

India Abroad published a thoughtful story about featuring a bunch of my photographs.


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