Transport is ArrangedI received an odd but exciting email message one month after posting this web site:
Of course I was interested, I replied. I also had some questions: Who are you? How'd you find my site? What's your motivation? The response:
We exchanged a few further messages and agreed to talk closer to the date. It was a strange deal, that's for sure, but I had faith that it was genuine, and that it would work out. Not everybody thought the same. "You're just going to trust some stranger?" people asked. "What if he mugs you and takes all your stuff?" my less trusting friends questioned. "Don't carry any bags onto the plane for him," others cautioned. But I figured that traveling is all about trusting strangers. With this situation, I'd just have to start trusting sooner than I expected. On October 2, 2002 I walked to the designated meeting place in O'Hare airport. And there was Jared, sporting a grey hat and red shirt, just like he said he would. I knew he'd be there. Still, it was a relief to see him. We breezed through check-in and then had a bite to eat in an employee cafeteria. We talked about travel and trusting strangers, working, lay-offs, and his experiences as a US Marine.
A (nearly) free business class seat on a 13 hour flight is a Very Good Thing; I could have wept with gratitude. Jared and I shook hands as I boarded the plane and then we went our separate ways. That was that - no strings, no ulterior motives, no weirdness. Just one traveler who wanted to give something back to the community and another traveler who, through a search engine and a quirk of fate, managed to get on the receiving end of that generosity. Posted on October 05, 2002 06:57 PM
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