Mike visited:

» Thailand
» Myanmar (Burma)
» Laos
» Cambodia
» Vietnam
» India
» Nepal
» Egypt
» Jordan
» Uganda
» Tanzania
» Malawi
» Mozambique
» Swaziland
» South Africa

View a map of his route.

 press/awards earned a few nice mentions in the press, including's vote as best travel blog on the Web. Read about it on the Press/Awards page.

Quick Pre-Departure Note

In five days I'll be on a plane, traveling farther than I've ever been before.

It's still not real. It's still abstract, hypothetical.

And it's incredible. So often I forget that this is not just planning, web development, and Lonely Planet message board lurking. It's for real. I've been building toward something.

There's still much to do. I have to pack all my worldly possessions up and move them into storage. Tomorrow is my last day of work. A bon voyage party follows.

I don't know what to expect. I feel like I've prepared for so many things, but there's no way I can know what's before me.

In four days I'll be sleeping at a dear friend's house. At 6am I'll rise, clean up, and walk to the Blue Line. I'll ride an El train to O'Hare airport where I'll finally meet the flight attendant who's providing a free standby ticket from Chicago to Bangkok by way of Seattle and Tokyo. With connections, the journey will take over 26 hours. It's going to take me farther than I've ever been before.

I'll see you there.

Posted on September 26, 2002 09:36 PM


Comments (post your own below)

Pugh, my friend, your life is about to change. Best of luck. Stick it out. Have fun. Venture down the backstreets. Eat street food. Send me something from Mandalay. [insert toasty Irish saying here - cheong and I are drinking a Guinness in your honor].

Posted by: chris & cheong on September 30, 2002 12:51 PM


I am totally impressed, not about the dream but the fact that you are living your dream. To walk outside of the box and live your life. Best of Luck in the next year. I look forward to following your journeys and hope that you experience will push me and others to get out there!!!!!

Jennifer McLane

Posted by: Jennifer on September 30, 2002 01:16 PM

Mike I hope you arrive safely, still have your wits about you after a long journey and sleep well and comfortably you deserve it

Posted by: Kris Allison on October 2, 2002 02:07 PM


Good luck with your own journey, I will be following when I get a chance from internet cafes.


Posted by: Terry on October 2, 2002 08:18 PM

howdy me and my friend are lookin 2 plan a trip round the world and are just wonderin how you started planning the trip. also how do you plan to transfer the pics and posts onto this site i.e. what equipment or are you just gona do it when you get back. one last thing how much is this costin you as i got no funds but am plannin to start savin soon.

Posted by: senoir kittie fantastico on October 3, 2002 05:15 AM


Suki and I are hoping the best adventure possible for you. Post some pix asap! Can't wait to see the capers.

Craig and Suki

Posted by: Craig Lycke on October 3, 2002 02:55 PM

Looking forward to your updates. Way to make it happen.

Posted by: Carl Erickson on October 3, 2002 04:30 PM

Looks like we lost our disenfranchised British chap. Obviously under the misguided impression that being English means something.


Posted by: Craig Lycke on October 3, 2002 08:46 PM

Pughey Lewis,

What's the news? How's yer Bangkok?
I'm curious to see your first post. Get on with it! Cheers my friend.


p.s. Watch out for them white slavers!!!

Posted by: Charles on October 4, 2002 11:08 AM

Good luck and safe travels. I can't wait to hear of your many adventures. You are an inspiration to those of us stuck in a cublicle for the next year.

Posted by: Ashley Gull on October 4, 2002 01:27 PM

mike p-

be safe, and enjoy yourself. looking forward to following your (mis)adventures on the other side of the globe. keep me posted on the music scene out there.


Posted by: Ariel Cuenca on October 4, 2002 01:38 PM

hey mike, i was hoping i could get those cds you borrowed back. are you gonna be home this weekend?


Posted by: jeff b. on October 8, 2002 12:07 AM

El Cuzino, I'm glad to see you have made it safe and sound. Hope everything happens the way you want and cool things happen when you don't expect em. Have fun, be safe and try the snake blood!

Posted by: Justin Crist on October 8, 2002 07:35 PM

Dearest Mikey,
Hope that all is well and keep up he good work, etc. We'll all miss you and your stories at Thanksgiving, etc. Adrienne is doing very well and I can't think of anything clever to say.
Bon Voyage,

Posted by: Aunt Sue on October 11, 2002 12:59 PM

Mike your courage and determination to adventure is really special. We all wish you the best in your travels.

I'd expect that the finished product (travel log extraordinaire)will provide income or better yet a career doing what you obviously love.

Posted by: Dave Wente and family on October 12, 2002 11:56 PM


Carl E. told me about this journey you are on, you magnificent bastard. I'll be watching. Best of luck to you. Be safe.

Chad Major

Posted by: Chad Major on October 16, 2002 10:29 AM

Big Mike,

Wish you luck on the rest of your trip. Wish I knew about your journey sooner. I can feel the picture of Torch Lake, been there when we were 11. Take it easy.


Posted by: Danny Bahrs on March 22, 2003 07:51 PM

You're currently in Malawi and, lacking new vagabonding news, I'm perusing your initial entries from almost a year ago. Mike, excellent job on the web site; right from the start.
As you read back, I wonder if the start of the trip will seem like a decade ago for you rather than a year. I’ll be interested to hear your summarizing thoughts at the end of the adventure, though with a similar travel experience your writings might be little more than verification of my own. Also, I’m wondering if you could envision yourself (as a possibility or, perhaps, a requirement) doing something similar when/if you find yourself hitched. I mention this only because I can‘t imagine going through life with a wife who hadn’t experienced a similar world traipse.

Posted by: Schmank Bomb on September 5, 2003 05:09 PM

Comments closed.


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