the story

Vagabonding is a round-the- world travelogue created by Mike Pugh, an optimist from Chicago. Mike traveled on his own through Asia and East Africa and updated this site from the road.

The trip is over, but the site remains. All the travelogue, video, and photo entries are in their archives.

View a map of Mike's route.


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Vagabonding Profiles: Alberto Lopez

This Canary Islander has traveled for much of the past three years. Here he speaks about losing fears and keeping an open mind.

Posted on December 24, 2002 09:00 AM



Comments (post your own below)

alberto, speak the truth brother!!

Posted by: jb on January 10, 2003 12:08 AM

hi alberto, it was good listening to you after a while. I feel much better and relieved now. not only because I see that you are doing fine out there, but also because of the many years you just took off from me as well. remember that mum had me just 357 days before having yourself. just one more brief comment: the sea around our island was not only a mental barrier to break but it was always there as an open field that we just needed to enter to show us the world. the only problem was just thinking of a wall rather than of an open field. take care and my best wishes, your 357-day older brother.

Posted by: lotapico on January 10, 2003 04:47 AM

Hey alfie, glad to see everything is cool. certainly beats a wet winter in Hull! take care

joe + colette

Posted by: joe + colette on January 10, 2003 01:03 PM

Hi big Rat!

I see that you have become a wiser man since leaving The Canaries, like the rest of us… I have been quite impressed by your speech, all that you said in the film seems to relate to results of a long journey within your soul. Now more than ever I feel proud and lucky of having you as a friend.

Keep searching for the reason for being in this so call reality and you will soon be in paradise!

Best wishes

The North Rat

Posted by: Julio Cesar Rodriguez Franco on January 17, 2003 11:25 AM

Hola Alberto. Esta semana vi un anuncio tuyo en El País y me entró curiosidad,sobre todo porque me encanta la fotografía y viajar, y me pareció super interesante lo que contaban sobre ti.Me encantaría tener el valor y el empuje suficiente para hacer como tu. Desde luego que creo que es una maravilosa manera de superar miedos pero también de disfrutar de la vida abriendo fronteras y conociendo nuevos amigos. Debe ser muy enriquecedor a nivel personal. ¡La sorpresa ha sido mayor al ver que eres de canarias!
Enhorabuena y mucha suerte!

Posted by: Silvia Acosta on April 6, 2003 01:00 PM

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