
Hill Tribe Villages in Northern Laos
Get waaaaaay off the map in a rural village outside of Luang Nam Tha, Laos, and meet some Hmong and Akha peeps. Read more about this experience.
Posted on December 16, 2002
08:28 AM
Thanks for not having a Quick Time version for the Mac people Mr. Pugh! That's Ok, I'm buying a PC today!!
The Quicktime version is now up. I was waiting until I reached a larger city with better and cheaper Internet access to post the file, as it's fairly large.
The Quicktime files are always a bit larger than the Window Media files. And they don't look as good (the Windows files never break up into cubes like the Quicktime files do). I'm not quite sure why, as I use the same program (Cleaner 5.0) to "distill" them.
Because of the larger file sizes and the poor resolution, I may post only Windows Media files in the future. We'll see how the Internet access is in, say, Kenya. For the record, there is a Windows Media Player for Mac: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/mac71.asp
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